
A pending progression to nine streams drove Mazenod College to expand their existing Senior School complex, whilst affording them the opportunity to create innovative, flexible, IT-rich learning spaces that not only supported current pedagogical needs, but also provided a Tertiary-style learning environment. The complexity in the...

To celebrate 50 years in 2018, it was deemed fitting that Mazenod College's most important cultural building be upgraded to meet the needs of the next 50 years. The existing Chapel holds an important place in the hearts and minds of the Mazenod College community, both...

Simonds College in West Melbourne provided an interesting challenge to Cotter Reid Architects Director, Wayne Reid in creating flexible learning environments in a heritage listed 1920s building in 2014. Flexible and modern learning spaces were established with five Year 7 learning spaces developed along with...

The Art department at St Leonard’s College was dispersed throughout a range of buildings across the campus. The provision of a new dedicated Art Centre provided this important co-curricular program with the status it deserves within the College community, whilst freeing up valuable spaces for...

Nazareth College have a strong and expanding reputation for music and drama within the wider Catholic education community, but was finding it difficult to market this position due to the limitations of its existing hall being shared between Physical Education and Performing Arts. The School...

Having provided for the academic demands of the student body, Mazenod College sought to fulfill the pressing need for a central sporting complex that housed a multitude of activities. Given the schools excellent record in Volleyball and Chess, the centre needed to accommodate a diversity...

Mazenod College commissioned Cotter Reid Architects in 2005 to provide a new building for Music, Drama & Information Technology faculties. This building was subsequently named the Founder’s Complex. Driven by a desire to reduce class sizes, the College embarked on a process to provide a new...

Adaptability is key in this design and this is especially relevant in education architecture as demonstrated by Tony Cotter, Director Cotter Reid Architects in this project.  The lecture theatre, canteen and classroom project aims to link the two campuses of the De La Salle College...