Sunbury Primary School Administration Refurbishment


Victorian School Building Authority



Project Cost



August 2023

About This Project

Heritage sites often contain rich architectural character alongside industrial contamination, accessibility challenges and spaces unfit for modern use. Our project brief ticked each of these boxes and more.
Sunbury Primary School is part of the Caloola heritage site atop the hill in Sunbury west of Melbourne. Parts of the school were first used in 1864 as in Industrial School where homeless boys were taught trade skill such a tailoring, shoe making and farming.
Early works on this project addressed contaminated soil and repaired failing service infrastructure. The second stage includes heating and cooling upgrades, some floor replacement and a major internal refurbishment of the administration building which included overcoming universal access challenges as the building is constructed over several levels.
The new works were a delicate series of interventions respecting the heritage building form and fabric while enabling modern activities to suit the administration of a vibrant school community.